Tips for Reducing Noise from Air Compressors
Vibrations, air intake and the exhaust are all sources of noise from your air compressor, and can sometimes be...
Atlas Copco Old Compressor Campaign
“Oldest Compressor” Campaign Atlas Copco recently ran a campaign to find the oldest running compressor in the UK starting...
How to Remove Moisture Content in Compressed Air Systems
It is common knowledge that there is moisture in the air and, one way or another, it will make...
How Placement Can Impact Air Compressor Performance
Is your compressed air equipment not performing as well as you had expected? Have you considered the placement of...
Cottee wins carpet bowls singles title
Air Power East employee Brian Cotton has won the Stanton Bowls Club carpet bowls singles title. Brian has been with us...
Air Power East agrees sponsorship deal with local bowls club
3 year sponsorship deal with local bowls club We are committed in supporting local teams and the opportunity came...
5 Common Compressed Air System Myths
Listen up and learn the real truth about compressed air systems. Ignore the common compressor myths that are only...
Air Compressor Replacement Case Study
A local car dealership for Renault has replaced its 25 year old compressor with a brand new one. We...
Another Successful Installation
Successful Air Compressor Installation Air Power East has completed another successful installation which involved relocated the existing compressors to...