If you rely on an air compressor at your workplace, it can be an incredible pain when it becomes broken.

Sometimes it’s old age and sometimes it just needs some TLC, but it can be difficult to decipher what the best option is. Short-term, reparations are cheaper than replacement, but long-term, the latter could be more beneficial. Here are some tips on how you can decide whether you should repair or replace your compressed air system.

Considerations for Your Broken Air Compressor

Identify the Problem

Never assume, always identify. One of the most important things you need to do is to find out is what the problem is, so you can figure out what the next steps need to be. Check the airline and fixings to ensure it is not just a leak.

Certain parts of your air compressor can be easily replaced and if it is only that one thing that is broken, it will be easier to just replace it. These parts could be a clogged air filter, damaged air receivers, or just a case of low oil levels.

However, if it is one thing that has consequently affected the rest of the system, you may have a more complex decision to make.

How Old Is Your Air Compressor?

If your air compressor is still fairly new and it appears to be broken, then you should always consider reparation rather than replace. You have already made the investment by purchasing a new air compressor, you shouldn’t have to replace it again.

If you have had your air compressor a while, you need to consider its history of reliability and efficiency. Has it had to be repaired multiple times now? Then, it may be time for an upgrade as old habits die hard.

Maybe your air compressor is unable to fulfill your requirements anymore which is why it keeps breaking. Upgrade to a larger capacity unit and see the difference it can make. Newer models will most likely be more efficient than your current one anyway. In terms of energy costs, they will be the best economical choice you can make.

Repairing Broken Air Compressors by Air Power East

By coming to us for regular servicing and any repair needs, our experts can help you determine which option is best for you. Contact us today to ask any questions or queries you may have.

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